Crowd dance floor Lust in Rio

Lust In Rio: Lisbon nightclub stops serving drinks in plastic cups

The Lisbon City Council wants restaurants and bars in the city to stop serving drinks in plastic cups by 2020. There are still a few months to reach this goal, but the Lust In Rio nightclub is already taking steps towards this goal. The goal is to completely eliminate that type of cup this year.

Plastic cups are being replaced by others made of reusable, biodegradable and environmentally friendly materials. Traditional straws will also no longer be used in that Cais do Sodré space. The objective of Lust In Rio is to reduce the ecological footprint. Measures such as waste separation and replacement for glass bottles are some of those that have been implemented.

By summer, managers hope to reduce single-use plastic consumption at Lust In Rio by 30%. There are several spaces in the city that have adopted ecological measures by using recycled materials. This is the case of Pastelaria Versailles, in the Colombo shopping mall, and Veggie Wave, in Príncipe Real.
